本文及并发系列博客资料来源:udemy 上《working with concurrency in go》,Trevor Sawler老师讲课非常细致易懂,感兴趣可以去支持一下他


package main

import (


const NumberOfPizzas = 10

var pizzasMade, pizzasFailed, total int

// Producer is a type for structs that holds two channels: one for pizzas, with all
// information for a given pizza order including whether it was made
// successfully, and another to handle end of processing (when we quit the channel)
type Producer struct {
    data chan PizzaOrder
    quit chan chan error

// PizzaOrder is a type for structs that describes a given pizza order. It has the order
// number, a message indicating what happened to the order, and a boolean
// indicating if the order was successfully completed.
type PizzaOrder struct {
    pizzaNumber int
    message     string
    success     bool

// Close is simply a method of closing the channel when we are done with it (i.e.
// something is pushed to the quit channel)
func (p *Producer) Close() error {
    ch := make(chan error)
    p.quit <- ch
    return <-ch

// makePizza attempts to make a pizza. We generate a random number from 1-12,
// and put in two cases where we can't make the pizza in time. Otherwise,
// we make the pizza without issue. To make things interesting, each pizza
// will take a different length of time to produce (some pizzas are harder than others).
func makePizza(pizzaNumber int) *PizzaOrder {
    if pizzaNumber <= NumberOfPizzas {
        delay := rand.Intn(5) + 1
        fmt.Printf("Received order #%d!\n", pizzaNumber)

        rnd := rand.Intn(12) + 1
        msg := ""
        success := false

        if rnd < 5 {
        } else {

        fmt.Printf("Making pizza #%d. It will take %d seconds....\n", pizzaNumber, delay)
        // delay for a bit
        time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Second)

        if rnd <=2 {
            msg = fmt.Sprintf("*** We ran out of ingredients for pizza #%d!", pizzaNumber)
        } else if rnd <= 4 {
            msg = fmt.Sprintf("*** The cook quit while making pizza #%d!", pizzaNumber)
        } else {
            success = true
            msg = fmt.Sprintf("Pizza order #%d is ready!", pizzaNumber)

        p := PizzaOrder{
            pizzaNumber: pizzaNumber,
            message: msg,
            success: success,

        return &p


    return &PizzaOrder{
        pizzaNumber: pizzaNumber,

// pizzeria is a goroutine that runs in the background and
// calls makePizza to try to make one order each time it iterates through
// the for loop. It executes until it receives something on the quit
// channel. The quit channel does not receive anything until the consumer
// sends it (when the number of orders is greater than or equal to the
// constant NumberOfPizzas).
func pizzeria(pizzaMaker *Producer) {
    // keep track of which pizza we are making
    var i = 0

    // this loop will continue to execute, trying to make pizzas,
    // until the quit channel receives something.
    for {
        currentPizza := makePizza(i)
        if currentPizza != nil {
            i = currentPizza.pizzaNumber
            select {
            // we tried to make a pizza (we send something to the data channel -- a chan PizzaOrder)
            case pizzaMaker.data <- *currentPizza:

            // we want to quit, so send pizzMaker.quit to the quitChan (a chan error)
            case quitChan := <-pizzaMaker.quit:
                // close channels

func main() {
    // seed the random number generator

    // print out a message
    color.Cyan("The Pizzeria is open for business!")

    // create a producer
    pizzaJob := &Producer{
        data: make(chan PizzaOrder),
        quit: make(chan chan error),

    // run the producer in the background
    go pizzeria(pizzaJob)

    // create and run consumer
    for i := range pizzaJob.data {
        if i.pizzaNumber <= NumberOfPizzas {
            if i.success {
                color.Green("Order #%d is out for delivery!", i.pizzaNumber)
            } else {
                color.Red("The customer is really mad!")
        } else {
            color.Cyan("Done making pizzas...")
            err := pizzaJob.Close()
            if err != nil {
                color.Red("*** Error closing channel!", err)

    // print out the ending message
    color.Cyan("Done for the day.")

    color.Cyan("We made %d pizzas, but failed to make %d, with %d attempts in total.", pizzasMade, pizzasFailed, total)

    switch {
    case pizzasFailed > 9:
        color.Red("It was an awful day...")
    case pizzasFailed >= 6:
        color.Red("It was not a very good day...")
    case pizzasFailed >= 4:
        color.Yellow("It was an okay day....")
    case pizzasFailed >= 2:
        color.Yellow("It was a pretty good day!")
        color.Green("It was a great day!")


    // seed the random number generator


    // print out a message
    color.Cyan("The Pizzeria is open for business!")


    // create a producer
    pizzaJob := &Producer{
        data: make(chan PizzaOrder),
        quit: make(chan chan error),

quit就比较有意思了,类型为接收chan error 的chan,我搜了下好像普罗米修斯也有类似的写法,这种写法的目的是为了让我们能够决定信息所传递的位置,可以看到下面的代码给producer添加了一个closer方法。这个变量的用处是判断producer的状态

// Producer is a type for structs that holds two channels: one for pizzas, with all
// information for a given pizza order including whether it was made
// successfully, and another to handle end of processing (when we quit the channel)
type Producer struct {
    data chan PizzaOrder
    quit chan chan error

// PizzaOrder is a type for structs that describes a given pizza order. It has the order
// number, a message indicating what happened to the order, and a boolean
// indicating if the order was successfully completed.
type PizzaOrder struct {
    pizzaNumber int
    message     string
    success     bool

// Close is simply a method of closing the channel when we are done with it (i.e.
// something is pushed to the quit channel)
func (p *Producer) Close() error {
    ch := make(chan error)
    p.quit <- ch
    return <-ch

我们先来看pizzera,他的参数为一个pizzaMaker *Producer,定义了一个数作为订单数并调用了makepizza()

    // run the producer in the background
    go pizzeria(pizzaJob)

    // create and run consumer
    for i := range pizzaJob.data {
        if i.pizzaNumber <= NumberOfPizzas {
            if i.success {
                color.Green("Order #%d is out for delivery!", i.pizzaNumber)
            } else {
                color.Red("The customer is really mad!")
        } else {
            color.Cyan("Done making pizzas...")
            err := pizzaJob.Close()
            if err != nil {
                color.Red("*** Error closing channel!", err)

// pizzeria is a goroutine that runs in the background and
// calls makePizza to try to make one order each time it iterates through
// the for loop. It executes until it receives something on the quit
// channel. The quit channel does not receive anything until the consumer
// sends it (when the number of orders is greater than or equal to the
// constant NumberOfPizzas).
func pizzeria(pizzaMaker *Producer) {
    // keep track of which pizza we are making
    var i = 0

    // this loop will continue to execute, trying to make pizzas,
    // until the quit channel receives something.
    for {
        currentPizza := makePizza(i)
        if currentPizza != nil {
            i = currentPizza.pizzaNumber
            select {
            // we tried to make a pizza (we send something to the data channel -- a chan PizzaOrder)
            case pizzaMaker.data <- *currentPizza:

            // we want to quit, so send pizzMaker.quit to the quitChan (a chan error)
            case quitChan := <-pizzaMaker.quit:
                // close channels

// makePizza attempts to make a pizza. We generate a random number from 1-12,
// and put in two cases where we can't make the pizza in time. Otherwise,
// we make the pizza without issue. To make things interesting, each pizza
// will take a different length of time to produce (some pizzas are harder than others).
func makePizza(pizzaNumber int) *PizzaOrder {
    if pizzaNumber <= NumberOfPizzas {
        delay := rand.Intn(5) + 1
        fmt.Printf("Received order #%d!\n", pizzaNumber)

        rnd := rand.Intn(12) + 1
        msg := ""
        success := false

        if rnd < 5 {
        } else {

        fmt.Printf("Making pizza #%d. It will take %d seconds....\n", pizzaNumber, delay)
        // delay for a bit
        time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Second)

        if rnd <= 2 {
            msg = fmt.Sprintf("*** We ran out of ingredients for pizza #%d!", pizzaNumber)
        } else if rnd <= 4 {
            msg = fmt.Sprintf("*** The cook quit while making pizza #%d!", pizzaNumber)
        } else {
            success = true
            msg = fmt.Sprintf("Pizza order #%d is ready!", pizzaNumber)

        p := PizzaOrder{
            pizzaNumber: pizzaNumber,
            message:     msg,
            success:     success,

        return &p


    return &PizzaOrder{
        pizzaNumber: pizzaNumber,



go run .
The Pizzeria is open for business!
Received order #1!
Making pizza #1. It will take 5 seconds....
Received order #2!
Making pizza #2. It will take 2 seconds....
*** We ran out of ingredients for pizza #1!
The customer is really mad!
Received order #3!
Making pizza #3. It will take 5 seconds....
*** We ran out of ingredients for pizza #2!
The customer is really mad!
Received order #4!
Making pizza #4. It will take 1 seconds....
Pizza order #3 is ready!
Order #3 is out for delivery!
Received order #5!
Making pizza #5. It will take 1 seconds....
Pizza order #4 is ready!
Order #4 is out for delivery!
Received order #6!
Making pizza #6. It will take 3 seconds....
Pizza order #5 is ready!
Order #5 is out for delivery!
Received order #7!
Making pizza #7. It will take 5 seconds....
*** We ran out of ingredients for pizza #6!
The customer is really mad!
Received order #8!
Making pizza #8. It will take 3 seconds....
Pizza order #7 is ready!
Order #7 is out for delivery!
Received order #9!
Making pizza #9. It will take 3 seconds....
Pizza order #8 is ready!
Order #8 is out for delivery!
Received order #10!
Making pizza #10. It will take 3 seconds....
Pizza order #9 is ready!
Order #9 is out for delivery!
Pizza order #10 is ready!
Order #10 is out for delivery!
Done making pizzas...
Done for the day.
We made 7 pizzas, but failed to make 3, with 10 attempts in total.
It was a pretty good day!

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